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Excavator Precautions

Release Time:2022-05-27 16:52:39      Hit Count:417

(1) Operate in strict accordance with the operating procedures and driving essentials, and try to avoid "beating teeth" when shifting gears to reduce the wear of the gear pair.

(2) Strictly implement the maintenance system and strengthen the maintenance of the shifting device. When the lever system of the shift device is not connected properly, it should be adjusted in time to ensure the good performance of the shift device.

(3) Pay attention to the repair and maintenance of the self-locking mechanism, and repair or replace the positioning steel balls, springs and fork shafts with reduced positioning effect or loss of positioning efficiency in time, so that the self-locking performance of the self-locking mechanism is in a good state. .

(4) When assembling the transmission, it should be operated in strict accordance with the operating procedures to ensure that the various parts of the transmission are properly adjusted and properly tightened. On a large downhill road, the driver should strictly follow the downhill action essentials, and must not violate the regulations.

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