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Precautions for the use of excavators

Release Time:2022-05-27 16:51:40      Hit Count:382

1. Excavators are fixed assets with large economic investment. In order to increase their service life and obtain greater economic benefits, the equipment must be assigned personnel, machines, positions, and responsibilities. When the post needs to be transferred, the equipment should be disclosed.

2. After the excavator enters the construction site, the driver should first observe the geology of the working face and the surrounding environment. There should be no obstacles within the rotation radius of the excavator to avoid scratches or damage to the vehicle.

3. After the machine is started, it is forbidden for any person to stand in the bucket, on the shovel arm and on the crawler to ensure safe production.

4. During the work of the excavator, it is forbidden for any person to stay or walk within the radius of gyration or under the bucket. Non-drivers are not allowed to enter the cab to tamper with, and do not train drivers to avoid damage to electrical equipment.

5. When the excavator is relocating, the driver should first observe and sound the whistle, and then relocate to avoid safety accidents caused by someone on the side of the machine. The position after relocation should ensure that the space of the excavator's rotation radius is free of any obstacles, and illegal operations are strictly prohibited. .

6. After the work, the excavator should be moved away from the low-lying place or the edge of the trench (ditch), parked on the flat ground, closed and locked the doors and windows.

7. The driver must do the daily maintenance, overhaul and maintenance of the equipment, make a daily record of the use of the equipment, find that there is a problem with the vehicle, cannot operate with illness, and report the repair in time.

8. The cab must be clean and tidy, and the surface of the body should be kept clean, free of dust and oil; after the work, develop the habit of cleaning the car.

9. The driver should make a record of the daily shift in time, make statistics on the work content of the day, complete the formalities for the part-time work or zero items outside the project in time, and make a record for checkout use.

10. Drivers are strictly prohibited from drinking at noon and driving after drinking. If found, they will be given financial penalties, and the economic losses caused will be borne by themselves.

11. For vehicle damage caused by human beings, it is necessary to analyze the reasons, find out the problems, distinguish the responsibilities, and carry out economic penalties according to the severity of the responsibilities.

12. It is necessary to establish a high sense of responsibility, ensure safe production, conscientiously do a good job in communication and service with the construction party, improve bilateral relations, establish a good work style, and work hard for the development and efficiency of the enterprise.

13. Excavator operation is a special operation, and a special operation license is required to drive the excavator.

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